Friends of Kenninghall Primary School Meeting Minutes held Wednesday 29th January 2025 at 6.30pm in the school hall.
Gabrielle Walsh (GW) Catriona Harvey (CH) Karen Staff (KST) Harriet Waters (HW) Julie Branford (JB) Rose Whittle (RW) Rosie Lowe (RL) Francesca Sewell (FS) Liam Ambrose (LA)
Nick Tabram (NT) Katie Smith (KS) Karen Cummins (KC) Mandy Taylor (MT)
GW advised that Catherine Moore (CM) wishes to step down from the committee and be assist on a volunteer basis.
The Friends thank Catherine for all her time and efforts given to The Friends during her time on the committee and thank her for her continued support as a volunteer.
Valentines Bake Sale.
To be held after school 14th February from 3pm to 4.15 to allow for pupils and parents picking up at both end of school and end of after school club.
Email scheduled to be sent with full details week commencing 3rd February advising of sale and request for any donations.
All bakes/cakes to be priced at 50p each, with any larger donations portioned to reflect the pricing.
It was requested that a greater amount of sugar free options be available and also some savoury options. For example, fruit skewers and sausage rolls.
All dietary requirement to be catered for and inline with school policy all must be nut free.
To be held in the school hall on Friday 28th February. Doors open 7pm, eyes down 7.30pm.
It was agreed that the ticket price to remain the same (£10 per person) which includes an arrival drink of either prosecco, bottled beer or small wine.
Crisp style snacks to be provided for each table but it was decided no popcorn due to increased clear up.
JB confirmed that Giles will be the caller and LA confirmed he will assist.
RW, HW, GW & CS to set up.
GW & CS to run the bar and restock table snacks during the evening.
RW, HW & KST to help with the clear down and reset the hall.
60 bingo books already purchased and in the lockup.
ACTION POINT Dabbers need to be purchased
10 additional bottles of prosecco to be purchased
Crisps/snacks for the tables to be purchased
Soft drink options to be purchased
Bottled lager/beer to be purchased
Raffle to be held in the interval as with previous years.
ACTION POINT prizes required for raffle
16 prizes required for each game
It was discussed as to whether the prices of drinks should remain the same or increased as prices have not increased since 2021. It was agreed that all alcoholic drinks to be £3.50 and soft drinks £1.50.
Bottles of prosecco to be sold at £14 each.
Easter Bake Sale & Spring Trail Hunt .
To be held after school 4th April from 3pm to 4.15 to allow for pupils and parents picking up at both end of school and end of after school club.
Email scheduled to be sent with full details week commencing 17th March advising of sale and request for any donations.
All bakes/cakes to be priced at 50p each, with any larger donations portioned to reflect the pricing.
As well as the bake sale there will also be the spring trail hunt around the school grounds for pupils and siblings, with each child getting a small chocolate egg (VE/DF options available). This is offered to all children at no cost.
It was requested that a greater amount of sugar free options be available and some savoury options. For example, fruit skewers and sausage rolls.
All dietary requirement to be catered for and in line with school policy all must be nut free.
ACTION POINT CH to contact local supermarkets to request donations for the spring trail
To be held in the school hall on Friday 25th April.
7pm start TBC.
LA to be quizmaster.
It was agreed to keep the prices the same £5 per person, max 6 persons per table.
Drinks prices to remain the same as the bingo.
Chips and cheesy chips to be available for the interval. Prices to remain the same (£2 for chips, £2.50 for cheesy chips)
Raffle to be held in the interval
ACTION POINT prizes required for raffle
Annual Summer Fete.
To be held Saturday 17th May 12.30pm to 3.30pm.
It was discussed and agreed that there should be a replacement inflatable instead of the giant slide. It was felt that the gladiator/dual inflatable would be a good option for the older participants and a smaller bouncy castle for the KS1/EYFS aged participants.
ACTION POINT – GW to research different inflatable options and obtain quotes.
It was agreed to do the following stalls:
Afternoon Tea, plant stall, tombola, welly wanging, face painting/tattoos, lucky dip, hook a duck, guess the sweets in a jar (changed from guess the Lego in a jar), tin can alley, shuffleboard, cornhole, guess the name of a teddy, putting challenge, nerf/water gun challenge, dart challenge, tug of war, craft stall.
To be discussed at the next meeting:
Local stall holders, Carroll class stalls, BBQ & bar/bake stall. Seating/straw bales. First Aiders.
HW raised that she should would like to include this year a pet beauty pageant. All felt this would be a nice/different addition. Details on how to enter/forms to be discussed at next meeting.
ACTION POINT – CH to advise if a disclaimer form may need to be supplied and parental/guardian signatory
ACTION POINT – FS to confirm if they can lend battle rope for tug of war
ACTION POINT – call out to parent/carer volunteers to be sent early to gain as many volunteers as possible
End of Year celebration/Year 6 leavers
To be held Monday 21st July on the school field.
Set up from 3pm.
Concert to start at 5pm.
BBQ to be served from the cabin. Food needs to be started no later than 4pm and in the warming ovens no later than 5.30pm. 1 size burger, 1 size hotdog only.
A minimum of 4 serving stations need to be set up with a minimum of 2 persons per station.
Current holders of food hygiene (and will be helping at the celebration) are:
ACTION POINT – CH to advise if any food hygiene certificates need to be renewed.
Year 6 leavers party to be a mobile photo booth with polaroid camera and films supplied by the friends. Dedicated area for football for the leavers – penalty shoot-out competition?
Props for photo’s/selfie station. As with all previous years, the leavers will be supplied with a scrap book for leavers messages and spaces for the photos to be put straight into if desired.
ACTION POINT – any person taking photos with the camera must hold a full school approved DBS certificate.
Sports Fundraiser
Date TBC however it was proposed for Thursday 12th or Thursday 19th June as preliminary dates.
It was agreed that the fundraiser be a colour run, which would be set up on the school field with obstacles along the way. 7 obstacles/colour stations.
It was agreed that the friends will provide white t-shirts and goggles for all participants.
It was felt that as with the February fun run, a gofundme page would be set up for people to donate to if they wish to do so instead of sponsorship forms.
Permission forms would need to be obtained for all participants.
ACTION POINT – powder paint to be researched and patch tested well in advance
Ice Cream Fridays
Last year the ice creams made £764 profit in the spring/summer term.
It was felt doing the ice cream every Friday in the spring/summer was too much and was requested that they are sold once a half term instead.
In light if this it was agreed that an additional fundraiser – like the sports fundraiser – will definitely need to happen.
Uniformerly/lost property/clothes recycling
Having researched many clothes recycling programmes for charities, they do not offer the surface for any type of school uniform. All programmes require the clothes to be in good condition, with no holes, tears or marks.
It was felt it would be a lot easier and far less time consuming to hold a monthly tabletop ‘sale’ where all donated items will be on display with a cash tin available for donations if desired.
Lost property will also be displayed on a separate table.
LA requested that if any wellies were donated if they could please be passed to the school to ensure there were enough for al children to enjoy the outdoor area activities during break times and for those that do forest school.
There is a particular need for lager sized wellies (sizes 2 and up)
Next meeting to be held - TBC