Carrie Spencer (CS) Gabrielle Walsh (GW) Catriona Harvey (CH) Karen Staff (KS) Katie Blades (KB) Katie Smith (K.Smith) Nick Tabram (NT) Hannah Tabram (HT) Liam Ambrose (LA) Rose Whittle (RW)
Fran Sewell (FS) Catherine Moore (CM)
A warm welcome was extended to all committee members and extra thanks to RW for hosting. New members were welcomed to the group.
The main forum of communication group on WhatsApp was discussed. It was agreed that a secondaryWhatsApp group would be created to allow for those wishing to be notified of developments and tasks required for upcoming events. KS & KB requested to be part of this group only.
ACTION: GW to create new group for volunteers.
It was agreed that a face to face meeting would be held every term (venues TBC) and the AGM will be held on Thursday 13th October 2022 @ 7:45 (venue TBC)
For consistency, the next meeting is scheduled for 5th December 2022 @ 7:45 (venue TBC)
LA advised that new communication app for the school will be live in coming weeks and it will have a live diary that parents can access at all times and we can add dates/events/meetings to for parents to view.
A huge thanks and well done was extended to K.Smith for her drive to setup and solely organise the preloved uniform shop within the school and online. K.Smith advised the intake of uniform has been a great success and so many parents are using the service and benefitting too.
GW raised whether shoes and coats can be added to the shop in the lead up to autumn/winter.
It was agreed that coats will be taken but not shoes due to the volume of work involved to restore and clean and the condition they are required to be in.
K.Smith conformed he is happy to continue with the service however alternate storage arrangements need to be made due to the volume of the clothes.
CH recommended purchasing vacuum bags and storage boxes for items to be held in the lock up. Agreed by CS.
GW outlined the commitments already in place for the upcoming academic year.
It was advised that the following commitments are already in place:
The above totals approx. £4000. GW asked if the committee are happy to proceed. All agreed.
It was discussed what additional funding would be needed for extras.
LA requested that if budget permits a whole school trip for an xmas pantomime would be greatly received. Noted by CS, GW & CH.
ACTION: LA to research pantomime costs and travel costs and present to the friends.
GW advised that teachers would be asked to provide the friends with a ‘wishlist’ for items they would like for their classroom or additional activities.
ACTION: GW to liaise with Ali Holman Parish Chair to arrange meeting to discuss. CH to liaise reference use of field.
Lands Trust have donated £1000 for the polytunnel and gardens including raised vegetable beds which are in development.
LA advised that there is a weekly gardening group held on a Wednesday and volunteers would be warmly welcomed. LA advised he is looking on to a regular ‘work party’ which would be held out of school hours.
JB requested to be the gardening club co-ordinator and RW to recruit volunteers. KC volunteered to assist.
JB suggested combining Tiny Tots & the gardening group.
ACTION: JB to liaise with TT & GC as above.
N.B ALL volunteers need to be DBS checked by the school before being able to commence with assistance on school grounds with the pupils.
Halloween party to be held on Thursday 20th October (before half term) for all pupils and will be free for all pupils.
KC advised Max (son) would be able to DJ as he did for the summer fete.
Friends with food hygiene to assist with food preparation.
Friends to provide games and ‘quiet room’
Friends to decorate in Halloween theme
To be held every Wednesday after school from 3.15 – 4.15, starting 3rd week of September (wc 26/9/22)
Free to all children and open to all classes. Booking will be required via parentmail with a max of 20 children per session.
GW requested friends spend £50 on second hand Lego to get the club ready, agreed HT, seconded KB.
School to send out an email to parents asking for donations of unwanted Lego.
It was agreed to do xmas cards this year instead of tea towels.
The friends requested that the school have the artwork to them by October half term to allow optimal order time and also allow parents to spread their xmas costs.
LA agreed to discuss with teachers to have their classes complete their artwork to this deadline.
To be held on 9th December 2022 which is also Xmas jumper day. As with Halloween, this will be free to all pupils and a non-profit event.
Details of the disco to be discussed at a later date. LA conformed this would be added to the ‘fridge calendar’ alongside xmas jumper day.
CH asked K.Smth if xmas jumpers could be added to the uniformerly website to help parents. K.Smith agreed.
Safe guarding meeting to be held via zoom Wednesday 14th September 2022 at 8pm. All to attend. LA to send out safeguarding pre-reading ahead of the meeting.
GW recommended that all members complete the food hygiene course at a cost of £10pp payable by the friends. Agreed CS seconded CH.
GW to request the school send email via parentmail for the following:
Meeting ended 10pm.