
Meeting Minutes - Wednesday 12th June 2024

Wednesday, 12th June 2024

12th June 2024 Friends of Kenninghall Primary School Committee Meeting @ Kenninghall School


Gabrielle Walsh (GW) Carrie Spencer (CS) Catriona Harvey (CH) Nick Tabram (NT) Karen Staff (KST) Julie Branford (JB) Rose Whittle (RW) Catherine Moore (CM) Laim Ambrose (LA)


Fran Sewell (FS) Harriet Waters (HW) Katie Smith (KS) Karen Cummins (KC)

New Attendees Sharon Chisman (SC)

1. Fete Thank You

GW extended a huge warm thank you to all the committee members, volunteers and members of the community who pulled together to put on a fantastic community fete and 150th anniversary celebration in aid of the school.

This year the Friends are delighted to announce that the total profits from the fete raised a wonderful £3,166 which is a huge success. It surpassed all expectations, and it was great to have some many members of the community and pupils both past and present attend.

Special thanks to JB & RW for making and hand delivering invitation to the residents of Kenninghall, this was very well received and more than worth the time and effort that went in to doing so.

The bar/BBQ and the cream tea tent were hugely successful as was the plant stall and the welly wanging & hook a duck.

Craft stall feedback was mixed with some suppliers doing well and others not so much. Next year the stalls will be outside with the rest of the activities to ensure they have the most visibility.

Some activities didn’t do as well as others and it was decided that next year Guess the Lego, Soak the Teacher and Beat the Goalie will be replaced.

LA suggested it would be wise asking for additional volunteers to help for an hour max throughout the fete to enable committee members to enjoy the fete with their families and also allows any prospective additional volunteers to be assured that they will not be required for a whole day.

KST advised that a member of her school team was still more than willing to prepare a video with his media studies students as part of their coursework to include interviews with past and present pupils, the scrapbook made by JB, previous head teachers logs and the present teacher interviews etc. It is hoped that this will be compiled and completed by the ned of 2024.

We can then invite those who attended the fete to the school for a coffee and mince pie to view the video.

Next years community fete to be held Saturday 17th May.

2. End of term celebration and Leaver’s ceremony.

To be held Thursday 18th July, starting at 5pm on the school playing field. The awards will finish at approximately 6pm where the pre ordered BBQ will be served and the activities opened.

It was agreed that as per last year, all primary aged children will be free and they will have squash, crisps and school cake included in their meals.

Adults/older siblings are £5 per burger/hotdog including all sides and condiments. Soft drinks will be available to purchase and additional snacks.

CH requested that NT get the payment link set up on the webpage, he confirmed this would be done by end of day Friday (14th)

LA confirmed that once the link was set up a parentmail will be sent with the friends’ website link attached.

Volunteers will be needed as follows:

  • 4 x bar/bbq area (no alcohol will be served)

  • 2xmeet&greet

  • 1 on the inflatable

  • 1 selfie frame

  • Ross on bbq
    The yr 6’s voted to have an inflatable obstacle course and selfie photo frame for their

    leaver’s activities.

    KST said that she would be happy to organise and order the selfie frame.

    CH requested that the Lopham gate be closed, allowing access via the main gate only. This will enable us to ensure that all those who have pre ordered food can be checked off and those wishing to order on the night can do so.

    Leavers gift bags will consist of:

  • Logo’d bag

  • Personalised hoodie

  • Lodo’d notebook

  • Sparkly pen

  • Keyring

  • Bubbes

  • Cupcake with personalised topper

  • Sweet cone

  • White rock to decorate

  • Flower seeds/bombs

3. Back to school bingo

It was discussed and agreed to hold another bingo night in September with a proposed date of Friday 20th (TBC).

Feedback from the previous bingo night was positive however it was felt that the breaks were too long and there were too many rounds. This time it is proposed that there are fewer rounds.

There is to be a vote as to whether the event should be a family event, or adults only. Some committee members felt that the adult bingo works a lot better and there is already a family bingo event in the village which we do not wish to step on any toes of.

ACTION POINT - GW to put hold a vote as to whether the event be adults only or family friendly.

It was noted that there would be less profit, as we couldn’t fit the same volume of people in the hall as many wouldn’t pay for their children to have a bingo book and would share theirs.

There will be an adult only bingo to be held in February in the school hall. Date (TBC)

4. Quiz

To be held in March in the school hall or the new building. Date TBC.

Same format as previous 2 years, with LA being quizmaster and a raffle in the interval. Chips and a bar.

Feedback from the quiz has been very positive with many quizzers attending last year with no affiliation to the school.

5. Wreath Making

To be held over 2 nights in late November/early December.

It was agreed to have 1 wreath making night, 1 centre piece making night. Prices TBC pending GW having discussion with Laura at Flowers by Laura.

The higher tables were definitely much preferred and it was requested that these be there again this year.

6. AOB

LA advised that come September, the committee members are all required to undergo their annual safeguarding training. LA said that this can be done on an agreed evening, or members can attend the staff safeguarding session which will be held on Monday 2nd September at the school.

It was brought to the table the possibility of the children at the school and parents/staf/volunteers designing a recipe book. The children would bring in recipes and methods for family recipes (Emilia’s mums shepherd’s pie for example). Stephanie Baker has kindly offered her skills to do illustrations for the book.

Prices for printing need to be obtained first and a confirmed turnaround time. Fundraisers/Events committed for the 2024/2025 term.

  • Back to school bingo (adult only of family friendly TBC)

  • Ice cream Fridays weather dependant

  • Halloween Disco

  • Christmas cards

  • Pantomime

  • Wreath making workshops

  • Christmas Disco

  • Bingo & Bubbles

  • Quiz

  • Community fete

  • Sports fundraiser, colour run for example

  • End of year celebration/leavers ceremony